Проект RBE10K

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"'RBE10K"' (R.B.E. десять тысяч) - это экспериментальный проект минимализм (Простой образ жизни) или [[Eco-communalism эко-comunalista], который ищет для развертывания базовой системы Ресурсо-ориентированную экономическую модель (РОЭМ). С января 2013 года ведется работа по планированию и подготвке эксперимента, с использованием этой Вики и других инструментов. Эксперимент будет работать в течение двух лет, 2015-2016, с участием 10 000 волонтеров в том месте, которое будет определено, как оптимальное, с целью проверки реальной дееспособности РОЭМ, т.е. функционирования данного вида социального устройства, предназначенного для удовлетворения принцыпов устойчивого развития, равенства, свободы, здоровья, и доступа к жизненно важным потребностям без использования денег, систем полномочий или привилегий.

Разработка данного информационного русурса Wiki в прогрессе, и в настоящее время находится на самом раннем этапе развития, с небольшим количеством информации и почти без какого-либо плана, чтобы начать. Чтобы расти и развиваться, этот проект требует участия добровольцев, заинтересованных в планировании и внесении информации, имеющих желание стать частью первого экспериментального поселения РОЭМ.

Текущие участники процесса планирования Проекта RBE10K считают, что реальный опыт системы РОЭМ, даже минималистичный или эко-коммуналистичный, поможет расширить сознание и вызвать повышенный интерес к этому образу жизни. После запуска в 2015 году, проект включает в себя планы по постоянному обновлению информации изо дня в день из жизни RBE10K -сообщества. Мы будем выкладывать видео и фото на сайт проекта, а также в социальных сетях, таких как YouTube, Facebook и Twitter, помогая, таким образом другим проектам, работающим над "переходной экономикой", таким как Проект " Венера", и в сотрудничестве с движениями, повышающими осведомленность, как Движение дух времени и Устав Освобождённого Мира.


Цели Проекта RBE10K


The RBE10K Project has two main objectives:

  1. proving that the RBEM system is viable, i.e. it can support a population with a lifestyle preferable by many
  2. providing a voluntary and realistic transition towards a RBEM for anyone interested

Project schedule and timeframe

The RBE10K Project has a schedule that is roughly the following (See the main link above for more details):

  1. Developing a community
  2. Planning for the settlement
  3. Engaging volunteers for the experimental city
  4. Collecting funds in a Trust account
  5. Purchasing of all materials and services required
  6. Transport of materials and volunteers to location
  7. Set-up of the city infrastructure
  8. Test lifestyle
  9. Plan for next city and invite new people over
  10. Finish experiment
  11. Create second city


This Wiki is the main platform for the engineering of the systems and methodologies that will support the community, and anyone is welcome to participate in one of many ways. The Project is open to the participation of anyone who has an interest, regardless of an intention to live in the experimental community itself. Participating in the project begins by registering as a user of the wiki, either through the normal registration form or using a Facebook account by clicking on the link on the top-right of the page. Once registered, users can create their own personal pages in which they identify their interests and the teams they are willing to participate.

Participation in the project is focused on teamwork. Teams are encouraged to be small enough so that members can become well acquanted with each other. Teams are also encouraged to work together on a very specific requirement for the project, which they can choose freely. Teams also are intended to interact with each other, relying on the specific expertise they accumulate. Any participant can, at any time, participate in as many teams as they are comfortable with.

Project needs

The RBE10K Project has a number of Needs or Requests made by different Teams. Contributors are encouraged to check this page with some frequency, and attempt to address the requests.

Planning for the first settlement

The RBEM system can be defined social engineering, i.e. the system is wholly designed as opposed to the emergent result of culture. The success of this project requires careful planning for a great number of things, including:

  • Design and development of resource production/distribution computerised systems
  • Choosing an appropriate clean and sustainable energy production systems
  • Planning for sustainable water harvesting and purifying systems
  • Defining and establishing the production of nutritious food that can be made abundant with little effort or resources

Differences with other projects

The RBE10K Project has unique purposes and strategies. Although many other projects have been attempted with apparently similar goals, the strategies have been significantly different. Even the goals pursued, if analysed carefully, quickly show that the goals are also significantly different. This project differs from The Venus Project mainly in its strategy for implementation, choosing to implement immediately with the resources available as opposed to waiting until the conditions are ripe for involving the governments of the world. It also differs significantly from The Zeitgeist Movement in that it will promote a RBEM from within one (even though a minimalist or eco-communalist one), as opposed to from within a monetary market system. There have been and currently exist many communities with sustainability in mind like transition towns, hippy communes, and projects like The Peckham Experiment, however none of these have embraced both social engineering, automation, a non-monetary system, and voluntarism.

Features of a RBE10K settlement

The most important feature of a RBE10K settlement is sustainability, as understood from an RBEM point of view, i.e. living in accordance to the carrying capacity of the Earth, in a peaceful, egalitarian, voluntarist, and evidence-based decision-making community. The settlement is expected to consist of 10,000 people to ensure sufficient variety of skills to be fully self-sustainable, and to ensure the social experiment is relevant. The location for the settlement is not yet defined, however it will have to be a place where there is permissiveness by the local governments to perform as intended. The project intends to be not-for-profit and fully self-funded, however the viability of the project may require extra funding, or even the implementation of the project under a company structure. The experiment will go for two years, and it is expected it will renew for subsequent two meanwhile volunteers are still interested in its continuity. The experiment will also attempt at producing a sister experiment at the end of each term, meanwhile there is sustained interest.

Daily life in the settlement will be all but boring. There will be a significative focus in the development of health, fitness, knowledge and skills of each volunteer. The community will aim at producing rich, diverse and high-quality artistic works to be contributed free of charge through online services, including music, films, literature, visual arts. etc. The community will also aim at furthering science, and producing technology such as software, open-source hardware, and educational materials. Other activities will include refining notions of RBEM, developing this wiki for the benefit of subsequent settlements, online media for communicating developments in the community, and daily tasks for the sustenance of the community such as producing food, equipment, doing general maintenance of public spaces, and providing public services such as training, coordination, cleaning, cooking, etc.

Current project platforms

The project is being primarily managed through this Wiki knowledgebase, and it is being supported by the following technologies:

Sources of inspiration for this transition approach

The RBE10K Project derives inspiration from a number of projects and movements. The most relevant is of course the work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project, and the clarity of Peter Joseph for developing those works and making them accessible and popular. The project is also inspired in the works of Nature through biology and ecology, notions of dynamic equilibrium and systems theory. The project would not be possible without the support of the Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) community and the hacker ethics, and projects like the Linux and most especially the Wikipedia. Also from commercial companies which provide invaluable zero-cost services such as Google and Facebook. The project also derives inspiration in the creativity of game developers, who allows us to immerse in imagined worlds with other real people (MMOG) such as Runescape. And finally all the many emergent solutions to today's problems like pollution, ecological degradation, poverty, war, injustice, sexism, poor health, mistreatment of animals, etc, which even though individually they're patchwork and miss dealing with the root causes for the problems, they help by raising awareness and stimulating individuals to take action and personal responsibility.



Advocates and activists of The Venus Project generally emphasise the need for having a concerted, global effort for implementation of a RBE, as opposed to a multitude of transition styles (one of which would be The RBE10K Project) occurring at many locations worldwide. They also typically claim that The RBE10K Project is not a full Resource-Based Economy (as Jacque Fresco proposes) and that only The Venus Project can transition to a RBE.

Notably, even Jacque Fresco himself proposed a path of action that is very similar to The RBE10K Project's[1].

Advocates and activists with The Zeitgeist Movement typically emphasise the importance of not progressing into transitions just yet, and that the best strategy at this time is help raising awareness within our communities in an effort to reach critical mass, leaving action for when the time is ripe.

Some of the criticism received includes the following notions:

  • An RBE settlement must not be an experiment
  • The need to transition globally to RBE much quicker than 40 years
  • The inclusion of money for purchasing the initial materials pollutes the concept of an RBE
  • RBE must be a global initiative, and not a mix of various styles of transition (TVP view)
  • RBE cannot be implemented low-tech
  • If the project doesn't succeed, it may cause a negative perception of RBE in the general population
  • Being essential for a RBE city to have all the basic comforts people are currently accustomed to

Addressing concerns

The RBE10K Project intends to address all concerns raised, dealing with conflicts by documenting reasons for each claim and dispute, researching and quantifying the validity for each reason, and arriving at the best possible outcome to maximise the degree of consensus.


  1. YouTube: "Jacque Fresco - If TZM doesn't support through Money....We will drop them", featuring Jacque Fresco on camera, and Roxanne Meadows behind camera.
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