Team talk:Basic Needs
From The Crowdsourced Resource-Based Economy Knowledgebase
Do we write a list of things we think we need and post them here for scrutiny?
- Sounds like a good idea! However the purpose of the team is compiling material from research already done by experts in matters of Human Need, like Maslow. There are many of them, googling needs or even googling images for needs returns a plethora of information about Need from the perspective of different academics and notes on other approaches sometimes based comparative studies on a various cultures veganforvenus (talk) 08:21, 6 May 2013 (UTC)
- Scientific approach, ey? I have access to academic papers so could be something I can look up. Cross-cultural research sounds interesting. However, do keep in mind that we will all come from a capitalist system and will be affected by addictions, thus "needing" more things than we should :(
Added a summary and a section on how to fulfil needs in rbe10k. If anything's too long or irrelevant, feel free to edit. Ideally we'd end up with a list of things that really are unique needs and proof that they'll be fulfilled in the community.
- Updated the text so that it is now impersonal, and focused on identifying needs rather than looking for solutions or considering problems. Also feel free to edit! veganforvenus (talk) 16:11, 18 May 2013 (UTC)
[edit] Základné potreby
Máme napísať zoznam potrieb o ktorých si myslíme, že ich potrebujeme a poslať ich sem na kontrolu?
- Znie to ako dobrý nápad! Avšak účelom tímu je zbieranie materiálu z výskumov, ktoré sú už realizované expertmi na otázky ľudskách potrieb, ako Maslow, Je ich veľa, googlenie needs alebo tiež vyhľadávanie obrázkov needs vráti nespočetné množstvo informácií o potrebách z rôznych akademických perspektív a upozorní na iné prístupy niekedy založené na komparatívnych štúdiách rozličných kultúr veganforvenus (talk) 08:21, 6 May 2013 (UTC)
- Vedecký prístup, aha? Mám prístup k vedeckým dokumentom, takže bolo by niečo čo môžem pozrieť? Interkultúrny výskum znie zauj´mavo. Avšak, maj na mysli, že my všetci prídeme z kapitalistického systému a budeme ovplyvnení závislosťami, takže "potrebujeme" viac než by sme mali. :(
Bol pridaný sumár a sekcia ako naplniť potrebu v rbe10k. Ak je hocičo pridlhé alebo nesúvisiace, neváhaj to upraviť. Ideálne by sme chceli skončiť so zoznamom vecí, ktoré sú skutonými a jedinečnými potrebam a dokázať, že budú v komunite naplnené.
- Aktualizácia textu, takže teraz je neosobný a zameraný na identifikáciu potrieb, radšej ako na hľadanie riešení alebo zvažovnie problémov. Tiež neváhajte upraviť! veganforvenus (talk) 16:11, 18 May 2013 (UTC)
[edit] Basic unnecessities
- Cleaning
- floor cleaning is solved, but commercial machines can clean only few square meters in one cycle. Bigger machines need human maintain
- WC - automated self-cleaning closets are invented already, but wo/mens room have many more equipment to clean
- garbage collection
- collecting waste can be solved by automated delivery lines from bins to central recycling line, but separation process needs workers to check waste again (waste can be thrown in wrong container occasionally)
- issue of goods can be solved by automated machines, but here are exceptions as clothes
- sweeping - fortunately we have vacuum cleaners, but bigger machines are not as automated as we need (again)
- washing
- dishes have to be collected, pre-treated and inserted to dishwashers. They need further operations after dishwasher cycle.
- clothes
- windows - we have no technology for automated window washing and mimetic surfaces can be smudge too
- Ironing is now semiautomated, but workers have to prepare laundry to them and then continue to work with it.
- this would be a list of most unwanted "jobs" ;)