RBEM/Notions by TVP

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Jacque Fresco

Most of the notions about a Resource-Based Economy produced by The Venus Project come directly from Jacque Fresco's books and interviews.[citation needed] The concept of a Resource-Based Economy was developed by Jacque Fresco and explained extensively in his book The Best that Money Can't Buy[1].


[examples needed]

Presentation videos

A quick rundown of basic Resource-Based Economy notions can be found in a YouTube presentation video which was also embedded as a heading in The Venus Project's website's Resource-Based Economy page. In the video, Jacque Fresco makes the following statements:

  • What a RBE is NOT
    • "It is entirely different than anything that has ever existed in the past" [0:07-0:14]
    • It is not a technocracy [02:56-03:12]]
  • Premises of a RBE
    • A principle of sustainability of the natural environment (extravagance of the island) [0:23-0:41]
    • Production based on the best technical advice to achieve sustainability [01:16-01:27]
    • Arriving at decisions using technical methods as opposed to making decisions by consensus [01:27-01:41]
    • Decisions are made by people with technical competence instead of political or democratic means [02:00-02:16] (needs to expand on his mention of areas you wish to excel in: how are these areas decided or arrived at?)
    • In order to avoid conflicts around sharing resources, a RBE has to be global [03:37-04:02]
    • The needs of the people in a city must be met by the city itself using nearby resources (systems operations) [04:16-04:44]
    • Public access to information about current and future availability of goods and services [04:45-05:00] (needs to expand on the open nature of this information)
    • Open access to goods and services as (opposed to ownership) [04:55-05:10]
    • Conservative use of energy (and resources?); availability to all people [05:11-05:36]
    • Use of automation instead of labour; freedom for all to pursuit personal interests without the need for work [05:42-06:14]
    • In a RBE there is no need for money [07:15-07:24]
    • All resources are declared the common heritage of all the world's people; bring all the separate nations together in one unified system [07:51-08:23]

The Venus Project's website

In the Resource-Based Economy page of The Venus Project's website, the heading statement says that "In a resource-based economy all of the world's resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth's people [...]"


The Venus Projects' notions of a Resource-Based Economy have been criticised by Economists, notable activists in The Zeitgeist Movement, and by the founder of this knowledge-base (Ziggy].

Criticisms by Ziggy from TZMWiki

Ziggy's general criticism for the lack of definitions[examples needed] for a Resource-Based Economy is particularly directed towards The Venus Project, who is the agent most concerned with its implementation and publicising. He also criticises the TVP's notion of global RBE, which appears to require nations to agree to the move, and therefore depends on the current Democratic processes; Jacque Fresco has himself criticised that the current system lacks a true Democracy, therefore it can be implied that a Resource-Based Economy will be imposed on everybody, whereas they voted for it or not.


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