Objetivos del Proyecto EBR10K

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El proyecto RBE10K tiene dos objetivos principales: 1) demostrar que el RBEM es viable y 2) proporcionar una transición realista y voluntaria hacia un RBEM.


Primary objectives: short term, one off RBEM experiment

The objective of the project is to test the predictions by the theories behind the Resource-Based Economic Model from a social standpoint, i.e. the ability of a community to live and thrive without trade, property or authority, and the capability of its citizens to self-govern and contribute to the community's goals, supported by a systems infrastructure based mainly on open computer software. There are a few main goals in this respect:

  1. the ability to raise interest of enough people to make the project viable
  2. the ability to define within the 2-year timeframe all the information necessary for the success of the settlement stage
  3. the ability to obtain the resources necessary for a successful settlement
  4. accomplishing the settlement in a safe location and with all the people and resources required
  5. maintaining a functional and productive society for the 2-year long duration of the experiment
  6. learning from any conflicts or problems and update the knowledge-base with relevant information to reduce impact in further occurrences
  7. maintain the health, safety and personal growth of all its inhabitants
  8. at the conclusion of the 2-year long experiment, achieve a willingness of the majority of the inhabitants to sign-up for another 2 years in the experiment

Secondary objectives: long term, expansion of the RBE10K settlements

Each city would have three secondary objectives, in the following order of priorities:

  1. provide for the basic needs (as per the knowledge-base) of all its members using exclusively its own resources, sustainably, and privileging those resources that are available for it in great abundance
  2. constantly improve its own knowledge-base, relying for it as much as practicable on the methods of science
  3. founding a new RBE10K city every two years (inviting 10,000 people living outside RBE10K cities to populate roughhly half of the old and half of the new cities)
  4. automate anything that can be automatable, and contribute to the development of science and technology

Potential of the project

The secondary objectives promote every settlement to create a new settlement every two years. Should this be sustained, and considering the first settlement occurs in 2015, the whole humankind would migrate to a RBE10K city by 2055, i.e. in 40 years (20 generations). After these 40 years, there would be around one million cities, each having 10,000 people, being home to the 10 billion people expected to inhabit the Earth by then. The population within RBE cities is not expected to grow, as doing so would not be sustainable. Whilst the population unwilling to make part of a RBE10K city would likely continue to grow as it does today, it is expected that such population would be small, and tend to eventually abandon their competitive ways and completely join RBE cities eventually, which may happen within a century.


Considering a population of 10,000 volunteers, each contributing $10,000 to the budget, the total budget per RBE10K city would be US$100 million.


Template:Principal Cada asentamiento podría también requerir una amplia variedad de habilidades para proveer comida para la autosuficiencia.


El idioma escogido para este wiki y para el asentamiento será por ahora inglés (GB). Sin embargo esto podría cambiar e internacionalizarse a través de un idioma neutral diseñado en un futuro, después del experimento. Si así fuera el caso, dicho idioma universal actuaría como un igualador y normalizador para las ciudades RBE10K. Aunque probablemente cada ciudad podría tener su propio idioma y cultura característicos. Un idioma neutral diseñado podría utilizarse tanto para la documentación escrita como para el conocimiento base como sucede aquí mismo.

Categoria: RBEM Principal

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