El Proyecto EBR10K

From The Crowdsourced Resource-Based Economy Knowledgebase
Revision as of 16:42, 21 March 2013 by Ziggy (Talk | contribs)

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RBE10K (R-B-E-10-1000 or /ˈɑrˈbˈ/ /ˈtɛnˈθzənd/) is a minimalist (simple living) or eco-communalist experiment project seeking to implement the a basic Resource-Based Economic Model (RBEM) system. The experiment is being planned and prepared through this Wiki and other tools since 1st January 2013, and will run for two years, 2015-2016, involving 10,000 volunteers in a yet to-be-determined location, with a main objective of trialling a real world RBEM, i.e. a social arrangement engineered to satisfy premises of sustainability, equality, liberty, health, and access to the necessities of life without using money, trade, or authority or privilege systems.

This wiki is a work in progress, and it is currently in very early stages of development, with little information and almost no planning started. In order to grow and develop, this project requires the participation of interested volunteers to either plan, contribute with information, or intend to be one of the pioneers who will make part of the first experimental RBEM settlement.

Current participants of RBE10K project planning believe that a real-world RBEM system experience, even a minimalist or eco-communialist one, will help expand awareness and cause a surge in interest on this lifestyle. Once in execution in 2015, the project includes plans to regularly upload information and videos of day to day life in the community to the project's website, and several social networking services like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, assisting this way with other transition projects like The Venus Project, and collaborating with awareness-raising movements like The Zeitgeist Movement and The Free World Charter.


Objectives of the RBE10K Project

The RBE10K Project has two main objectives:

  1. proving that the RBEM system is viable, i.e. it can support a population with a lifestyle preferable by many
  2. providing a voluntary and realistic transition towards a RBEM for anyone interested

Programa y marco temporal del proyecto

El Proyecto EBR10K tiene un programa que es aproximadamente el siguiente (Ver el vínculo principal más arriba para mayores detalles):

  1. Desarrollar la comunidad
  2. Planear el establecimiento
  3. Buscar e involucrar voluntarios para poblar la ciudad experimental
  4. Recolectar fondos en una cuenta fiduciaria
  5. Comprar todos los materiales y servicios necesarios
  6. Transportar materiales y voluntarios al predio
  7. Puesta en marcha de la infraestructura de la ciudad
  8. Probar y experimentar con el estilo de vida
  9. Planear la próxima ciudad e invitar a nuevas personas a poblarla
  10. Finalizar el experimento
  11. Crear la segunda ciudad


Este wiki is la plataforma principal para la ingeniería de los sistemas y metodologías que soportarán la comunidad, y todos son bienvenidos a participar en alguna de varias maneras. El Proyecto está abierto a la participación de quienes tengan un interés en particular, más allá de tener o no la intención de poblar la ciudad experimental. Participar en el proyecto comienza al registrarse en este Wiki, tanto a través de formulario usual de registración u usando una cuenta de Facebook clicando en el vínculo de la parte superior derecha de la página. Luego de registrarse en el Wiki, la registración como contribuidor del Proyecto EBR10K culmina creando la página personal del usuario, clicando en el nombre de usuario que una vez registrado también aparece en la parte superior derecha de la página, y seguir las indicaciones de incluidas como comentarios en la plantilla de nuevo usuario. Una vez hecho todo esto, los usuarios pueden identificar sus intereses en la página de equipos en los que deseen participar.

La participación en el proyecto está enfocada en el trabajo en equipo. Se procura incentivar a que los equipos sean lo suficientemente pequeños como para tener la posibilidad de darse a conocer bien entre todos los miembros. Tambien se alienta que los equipos trabajen juntos en requerimientos específicos para el proyecto, el cual pueden elegir libremente. Se espera también que los equipos interactúen entre si, apoyándose los unos a los otros en áreas en las que tengan experiencia. Cualquier contribuidor puede, en cualquier momento, participar en tantos equipos como le sea confortable.

Necesidades del Proyecto

El Proyecto EBR10K tiene una candidad de Necesidades or Solicitudes para las que requiere varios equipos. Se procura incentivar a los contribuidores a chequear esta página de tanto en tanto con alguna frequencia, y tratar de atender a esas solicitides y necesidades.

Planeamiento para el primer asentamiento

El sistema MEBR puede ser definido como ingeniería social, es decir, el sistema tiene un componente principal de diseño en lugar de emerger completamente como resultado de la cultura. El éxito de este proyecto requiere de la cuidadosa planificación de un gran número de elementos, incluyendo:

  • Diseño y desarrollo de sistemas informáticos para la producción y distribución de recursos
  • Selección del sistema de producción de energía sostenible más apropiado
  • Planificación para sistemas de recolección y purificación de agua
  • Definir y establecer la producción de alimentos nutritivos que se puedan proveer abundantemente y con poco esfuerzo o recursos

Diferencias con otros proyectos

The RBE10K Project has unique purposes and strategies. Although many other projects have been attempted with apparently similar goals, the strategies have been significantly different. Even the goals pursued, if analysed carefully, quickly show that the goals are also significantly different. This project differs from The Venus Project mainly in its strategy for implementation, choosing to implement immediately with the resources available as opposed to waiting until the conditions are ripe for involving the governments of the world. It also differs significantly from The Zeitgeist Movement in that it will promote a RBEM from within one (even though a minimalist or eco-communalist one), as opposed to from within a monetary market system. There have been and currently exist many communities with sustainability in mind like transition towns, hippy communes, and projects like The Peckham Experiment, however none of these have embraced both social engineering, automation, a non-monetary system, and voluntarism.

Features of a RBE10K settlement

The most important feature of a RBE10K settlement is sustainability, as understood from an RBEM point of view, i.e. living in accordance to the carrying capacity of the Earth, in a peaceful, egalitarian, voluntarist, and evidence-based decision-making community. The settlement is expected to consist of 10,000 people to ensure sufficient variety of skills to be fully self-sustainable, and to ensure the social experiment is relevant. The location for the settlement is not yet defined, however it will have to be a place where there is permissiveness by the local governments to perform as intended. The project intends to be not-for-profit and fully self-funded, however the viability of the project may require extra funding, or even the implementation of the project under a company structure. The experiment will go for two years, and it is expected it will renew for subsequent two meanwhile volunteers are still interested in its continuity. The experiment will also attempt at producing a sister experiment at the end of each term, meanwhile there is sustained interest.

Daily life in the settlement will be all but boring. There will be a significative focus in the development of health, fitness, knowledge and skills of each volunteer. The community will aim at producing rich, diverse and high-quality artistic works to be contributed free of charge through online services, including music, films, literature, visual arts. etc. The community will also aim at furthering science, and producing technology such as software, open-source hardware, and educational materials. Other activities will include refining notions of RBEM, developing this wiki for the benefit of subsequent settlements, online media for communicating developments in the community, and daily tasks for the sustenance of the community such as producing food, equipment, doing general maintenance of public spaces, and providing public services such as training, coordination, cleaning, cooking, etc.

Current project platforms

The project is being primarily managed through this Wiki knowledgebase, and it is being supported by the following technologies:

Sources of inspiration for this transition approach

The RBE10K Project derives inspiration from a number of projects and movements. The most relevant is of course the work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project, and the clarity of Peter Joseph for developing those works and making them accessible and popular. The project is also inspired in the works of Nature through biology and ecology, notions of dynamic equilibrium and systems theory. The project would not be possible without the support of the Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) community and the hacker ethics, and projects like the Linux and most especially the Wikipedia. Also from commercial companies which provide invaluable zero-cost services such as Google and Facebook. The project also derives inspiration in the creativity of game developers, who allows us to immerse in imagined worlds with other real people (MMOG) such as Runescape. And finally all the many emergent solutions to today's problems like pollution, ecological degradation, poverty, war, injustice, sexism, poor health, mistreatment of animals, etc, which even though individually they're patchwork and miss dealing with the root causes for the problems, they help by raising awareness and stimulating individuals to take action and personal responsibility.



Advocates and activists of The Venus Project generally emphasise the need for having a concerted, global effort for implementation of a RBE, as opposed to a multitude of transition styles (one of which would be The RBE10K Project) occurring at many locations worldwide. They also typically claim that The RBE10K Project is not a full Resource-Based Economy (as Jacque Fresco proposes) and that only The Venus Project can transition to a RBE.

Notably, even Jacque Fresco himself proposed a path of action that is very similar to The RBE10K Project's[1].

Advocates and activists with The Zeitgeist Movement typically emphasise the importance of not progressing into transitions just yet, and that the best strategy at this time is help raising awareness within our communities in an effort to reach critical mass, leaving action for when the time is ripe.

Some of the criticism received includes the following notions:

  • An RBE settlement must not be an experiment
  • The need to transition globally to RBE much quicker than 40 years
  • The inclusion of money for purchasing the initial materials pollutes the concept of an RBE
  • RBE must be a global initiative, and not a mix of various styles of transition (TVP view)
  • RBE cannot be implemented low-tech
  • If the project doesn't succeed, it may cause a negative perception of RBE in the general population
  • Being essential for a RBE city to have all the basic comforts people are currently accustomed to

Abordando preocupaciones

The RBE10K Project intends to address all concerns raised, dealing with conflicts by documenting reasons for each claim and dispute, researching and quantifying the validity for each reason, and arriving at the best possible outcome to maximise the degree of consensus.


  1. YouTube: "Jacque Fresco - If TZM doesn't support through Money....We will drop them", featuring Jacque Fresco on camera, and Roxanne Meadows behind camera.
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